Communications 114. All undergraduates at my university are required to take this class, which is taught by graduate students and involves a lot of writing and public speaking. Consequently, international students often anticipate this class with anxiety. I invited one of the instructors to come to my study skills class and talk about it- the syllabus, major assignments, homework, class policies, grading, etc. It was especially good for them to hear how this class would differ from their ESL listening/speaking class, in that there is a no-tolerance policy for missing presentations, no matter what the excuse. No make-up work allowed, and required attendance. I've had professors come and give presentations about various topics, but this was the first of just talking about a class itself. It was really helpful. Students asked a lot of questions and kept him talking for the entire 80 minute period.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Tagged Under: Class Visitors, Speaking
Guest Speaker: Graduate Student Instructor
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April 30, 2012