Monday, March 11, 2013

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Poster Sessions

I remember going to a presentation at a conference several years ago on poster presentations as a low-tech, but engaging activity. My coworker, Katy, came up with the idea of doing posters as a way for students to share a book that they had read. This is my second semester doing this, and it turned out well. I asked me students to include the following information on their posters:
  1. Book title and author
  2. Setting - 2-3 sentences
  3. Plot summary - 4-5 sentences
  4. Main characters - list of characters, a phrase telling who each person is, and 3 adjectives 
  5. Favorite passage - 2-3 sentences telling why they liked the passage
  6. 3 new vocabulary words - context sentences, part of speech, and meaning
  7. Pictures to illustrate and make the poster look attractive
I invited another class to come and see the posters, talk to the students. It was a great English-use activity, as they had to explain their book again and again for each student who passed by! Repetition always helps.