Articles & Presentations

April 24, 2018 Heather

Torrie, H. (2011). Web-based plagiarism-checking tools to teach paraphrasing skills. On CALL. July 2011.

Fiorito, M. & Torrie, H. (2009). Developing listening skills in the language classroom: A progressive, holistic approach to a technology-based curriculum. HEIS News, 28(1).

Torrie, H. (2009). Facilitating language learning through web-based multimedia. IEPIS Newsletter, 29(1).

Torrie, H. (2009). Resources for teaching listening: StoryCorps & Radio Diaries. Essential Teacher, 6(2).


Testing Listening Comprehension: Listener-Controlled Audio. Presented at Illinois TESOL-BE Convention, February 2016 (with Brian Hampson). What would happen if you gave your students a listening test in the computer lab and allowed them to stop and rewind the audio as much as they liked? This session discusses the results of a study investigating the impact of listener-controlled audio on test performance.

Testing 101: Post-Test and Item Analysis. Presented at Illinois TESOL-BE Convention, February 2015. Wish you had taken that Language Testing class in grad school? Get a crash course in how to do test and item post-analysis to improve your in-house achievement tests and track how well course objectives are being met.

Assessing Listening Comprehension: Test Format Decisions. Presented at Illinois TESOL-BE Convention, February 2014 (with Brian Hampson). What is the best way to test listening comprehension? This interactive session will explore the various choices in designing a listening test, such as item format, question preview, and number of listenings, all in the light of research findings.

Preparing IEP for Mainstream Classes by Guest Speakers. Presented at Indiana TESOL Conference, November 2014. Learn about an elective course designed to help prepare international students for the transition into mainstream classes. This course involves university faculty, staff, and domestic students as guests in the ESL classroom, providing a chance for students to interact with native speakers in a meaningful way.

English Teaching Assistants Training. Two-day training workshop given for Fulbright English Teaching Assistants, Washington, D.C., June 2013 (with Jessica Madsen). Co-facilitated  modules for basic lesson planning, teaching listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and cultural awareness for ETAs going to teach the Gulf Arab region.

Tech Showcase: Pronunciation Mirroring with Presented at Illinois TESOL-BE Convention, February 2013.

Bridging the gap: ESL and mainstream classes. Presented at TESOL Convention, March 2012 (with Kathleen Montgomery). Push students out of the ESL bubble and prepare them for mainstream classes. Learn how four initiatives—class visits, mentoring, panel discussions, syllabi review—implemented by an intensive English program gives students increased exposure to the American university environment, helping them better understand what is expected in mainstream classes.